I'm New

We’re thrilled that you’re thinking of joining us at St Mary’s - everyone is always welcome. We try very hard to be accessible to both chidlren and adults with additional needs, so no matter who you are, where you’re from or whatever is going on in your life, we want you to feel at home from the minute you join us. We try to offer something for everyone.


Our main Sunday morning service is at 10.30 and has a real family feel. We like to be informal and don’t stand on ceremony when we worship, so visit us at St Mary’s Church, Church Street, Chipping Norton, OX7 5NT


10.30 service at St Mary's from St Mary's Church on Vimeo.


Our children are as important to us as anyone else in the church family. So that they can meet with God and come to know him for themselves, and in ways that are relevant to them, we have groups for children aged 3-11. During the week we also run other children's activities.



We want our young people to grow to be confident followers of Jesus, who will themselves go out and share Jesus’ life-changing love with their friends who don’t yet follow him. We also want to serve the young people in our community to show them that we care about them.


Want to find out more? Try Alpha

Alpha is a course for anyone who’d like to explore questions of life, spirituality and the Christian faith in a safe, relaxed, honest and friendly environment.


Small Groups

As we grow together in our faith, and as a church family, we’d love everyone to find a place to belong. Our small groups take place across the town at different times of the week. They aim to give a space to build friendships and community, and to encourage one another forwards in our faith.


Get In Touch

If you have any more questions about St Mary's please do email James or use the 'contact us' form on the website.

What's happening soon?

BCP Holy Communion Sun 19th Jan St Mary's Church, Chipping Norton More info
Sunday Service in Church Sun 19th Jan St Mary's Church, Chipping Norton More info
Encounter Service Sun 19th Jan St Mary's Chipping Norton More info