Building to Serve: St Mary's Church

In the last couple of years at St Mary's, God has been extending our vision to serve the town in an exciting, ambitious and creative way at a time of substantially increasing need for many within our community...

Journey so far...

2006 - 'Living Stones' Project launched

2011 - Stage 1 of 'Living Stones' completed (including i) provision of well-equipped toilets, utility room and a mezzanine clergy vestry beneath the tower; ii) conversion of the former vestry into a fitted sacristy and lobby, plus creation of Trinity Room - a first-floor meeting room in the former organ loft; iii) transformation of the dingy north (Croft) aisle of the chancel). 

2016 - Stage 2 of 'Living Stones' completed (conservation of the Croft tomb, and relocation of the Redrobe & Rickardes tombs). For more on the history of these tombs, click here.

2019 – ‘Building to Serve Campaign’ launched in October 2019 to the church family (embracing and extending the original vision of Stage 3 of 'Living Stones'). We were amazed by God’s provision at our Church Gift Day in October 2021 where our initial target of £300,000 was reached and then surpassed! Further dedicated fundraising towards the church redevelopment will follow on once The Branch phase has been completed.

Acanthus Clews, Banbury-based architects have been engaged and have drafted plans for the improvements to the Church. Submission of these led to very positive initial discussions with Diocesan Advisory Committee. We are now preparing for a formal submission to them in the New Year.  This should enable us to make progress towards formal planning permissions next year.

John Marshall (mastermind behind 'Living Stones') and Alastair Ewer are responsible for project managing the church improvements, liaising closely with St.Mary’s PCC and the architects.

Georgina Orchard, our Campaign Director, is leading the fundraising campaign working closely with St Mary’s PCC.

Artist's impression of church with pews removed

This project has prayer at its foundations.  We have established a weekly time of prayer when we specifically lay this project before God, seeking his guidance and provision for the vision he has given us to serve the people of Chipping Norton.  Please do come and join us, Mondays 12 to 1pm. This is currently taking place online using Zoom.  Please contact Georgina for more details.

We have also Set a Watch of prayer at 6am and 6pm when members of the church family gather on zoom to listen to God and submit our plans to him.   For more information contact the church office.

We are seeking to encourage the people of the church (and also the town) to become integral parts of this vision, Living In God's Love, and Living Out God's Love to serve even more widely in our community.  

If you have any questions or suggestions about how to support the campaign either practically or financially, or have specific questions about the details of the project please do contact Georgina on  She will be delighted to hear from you.

What's happening soon?

Minis Wed 3rd Jul The Parish Rooms More info
Thursday Worship Thu 4th Jul St Mary's Church, Chipping Norton More info
BCP Holy Communion Sun 7th Jul St Mary's Church, Chipping Norton More info